
att lyssna på skön musik, vistas i trafik och samtidigt vara helt slut... rekomenderas inte
kanske en självklarhet...

haha dagen började ju bra? eftermiddagen också? undra hur kvällen blir...


lagom trött?

Jag pallar inte mig själv ibland. AJJJJ, yes mitt pekfinger (som jag skriver mest med på tagentbordet) brände jag precis. Skulle göra nudla (hm, på morgonen? ohyes.) så innan jag skulle hälla i vatten i kastrullen så var jag bara tvungen att känna i botten om det var varmt... AJ JOO det kan jag säga att det var!

heeeh men här får ni en riktigt bra låt att lyssna nu såhär på morgonkvisten

Jimi Hendrix - foxy lady

my day in big features

today has been a great day. even if there was truble at "work" its was nice, cause i had some time to draw a bit. hehehhe

after work I went to HBG and watch my friend in a drama/musical project they did and it was very entertaining and great work!!!
so proud of my friend for standing infront so many people and "play", act... whatever :)

hope tomorrow will be as good as today.

God bless you all, peace

Maj 3, 2010

why is it so wrong to feel alone?
why is it so embarrassing to be depressed?
how do we even get depressed?
this fucking world is taking me
taking me down
literally down
down under the dirt
I lose the flirt
the devil crossed me and this is my conclusion

but I don't mind
it's the best
in heaven I'll rest
and I will get peace love freedom
nothing like it's here, in hell
I'll we well
and you, you can keep wait for the bell

jag vet inte vad jag skriver. eller det gör jag nog. är jag kanske lite nere idag? kanske jag är, kanske inte.
jag har bara djupa konstiga deprimerande chockande härliga fundersamma tankar ibland.

im booooored, but soon its food in the table, höhö

some of you some of me
yah i want to feel free

you and me on a plane
and we fade
fade away from the world together
smiles is all i can see
nothing harm in any way
you and me, everyday.

jag vet inte vad det är, jag bara skriver som jag tänker för tillfället.
typ nada rim nånstans, men jag är upp å ner. jag skriver konstigt idag.

jag står naken framför sanningen... jag hatar söndagar.

Some people say that they wan't to die. I belive those and I respect it.

Helst seriöst, söndagar är de värsta dagarna, man mår jag mår sämst. Både psykiskt och fysiskt.
Man har varit igång en hel vecka plus fullt ös fre & lör, klart kroppen är utpumpad.

Sedan psykiskt.. ursh allt skit som hänt senaste veckan dyker upp och man ältar, och efter ett tag kommer allt upp som hänt hela livet, sitt förflutna.



min valborg var as nice!
först åt jag och några vänner på restaurang och chilla o hade allmät trevligt. senare stack vi vidare till en pub som var lagom. Dock  gjorde vännerna det bättre än någonsin.
haha bartendern som gjorde drinkarna till oss, tror han själv hade tagit några klunkar.... för vi skulle beställa en drink som heter "what a shame" men då fick vi "cosmopolitan" och nästa gång beställe min kompis ist samma som innan men då fick vi också cosmopolitan... ooooh!!
  Först va den skitgod, men andra drinken.. ursh, nästan ruggig. mådde ärligt talat illa av den en stund.

sen sack jag å michelle och vänta på tåget, ca 40 min, men det var jävla nice endå. Vi hade högtalare med oss, sjukt äckligt bra musik lyssna vi på. Bla janis joplin, jimi hendrix, led zeppelin, lykke li med flera.

när vi kom hem gjorde vi lite käk, sedan spådde jag mig med tarotkort som jag INTEEE skulle gjort.
visade sig att jag kommer dö snart, men jag kommer ha ett mycket bättre liv efter detta, kommer vara lycklig. 
lite scaaaaaaryy att veta att man ska dö. men jag är faktiskt inte rädd för döden endå bara att vill jag inte lämna michelle kvar här i helvetet ^^ Ooops, vad mycket jag skriver nu.

got to go lovers, peace

purple rain

he taught me about all the great things that we take advantage of

there is a devil in her heart

there's a devil in her heart

I cant stand people that think they are worth more that other people.
they just wasting time and energy.

I'm usually say that it's their life so I don't care, but it reflects on others so I do care.

I always says "do what you will, as long as you don't harm anyone else"

nobody has been mean to me, but I see it everyday. In school, in the streets, nightclubs, sports, busses, even in toiletrooms, how??? I see it everywhere! It's insane! You are our planets biggets problem, bullies and other "I'm worth more that you/I'm prettier that you.." etc... think about that.
that you gays (bullies) are our planets biggest problem and cars/our enviroment are BIG problems. just saying'

think about that today!!  now I have to go, peace

is this legally?

I'm so stressed out now. ALOT to do. so much homework..
but I actually think I will ingnore one of the homework and focus instead on the national english.
much more important, right? than some work enviroment shit..

well, I have to continue studying while listening to nirvana, patti smith, beatles and other great musicians.

god bless, peace

btw isn't full moon tonight? or is it tomorrow? I hope it's tomorrow....

random haha random or something...

today I took a 30 min powerwalk, so nice and then in the middle of the walk, I walk "on" one of my best friend that I haven't seen or talked to in 7 or 8 f-cking damn months!
And you probably think "hm, how can you be best friends if you not have talked to eachother in so long time?"
Well, I will tell you, we are kind of soulmate. Cause the first time we met, we klicked. just klicked.
I love her very much and I think that our love is so strong that we can be apart from eachother in a long time. Cause we know that we will always be here for eachtother if we are in need. which is so wounderful.

so that was kind of chocking but also very nice to just walk in her on the "street" in MY TOWN! can you get it?! haha.
 so happy to see her again.
we do live kind of far away from eachother and we have both alot to do in school
so that's why we don't have been in touch for a while, and also that I got a new number and then she lost her phone (as usually haha) etc..

bye lovers, peace

we all know him as the king of pop....

we all know him as the king of pop, and he is But for me... he is the king of love, L.O.V.E

Michael, never an goodbye always see you soon.
so.. see you soon mike.
but the time until then I know will be hard.
men tänk positivt!

här är en jättefin låt, ni måste lyssna. det är bara en demo så tror inte många har hört den egentligen.
inte de som är michael jackson fan iallafall. ^^

Michael Jackson - There must be more to life than this

my hero

10 grymma hårda tuffa sorliga deppiga jävla f-cking månader har gått
I still cant belive it...
it's still breaks my heart everytime I think about it
but I just have to keep on walking I guess? which is f-cking hard!!!!!!!!!!
everyday is a struggle to keep going and sadly I'm not overexaggerate..

Rest In Peace Michael, see you soon
god bless, peace and love

spider and micchheee

Yesterday I was at my friends house (Michelle)
We had alot of fun!!! haha. she got a real fågelspindel and well.. spiders is one of my biggest fear!
So she had alot of fun when she picked it out....
then we ate pizza and talk about life and many strange stuff which was soooo NICE.
later we went home to my place and had a sleep over maha
but not much of sleep ofc ♥

bye! god bless you all, peace

dear diary

I will just write a little on english now.
cause I have NP next week.. I hope I NOT FAIL. I really wan't to have a good grade in english, the only thing I care for ringt now, and swedish.. I'm not so good with grammar and I know it, and I need to practice it!!!
I think it's easier to speak english then to write it.

I think I will go out for a quick POWERwalk if I don't get stuck here ;)
I am really not a person who do alot of workouts.... that's why I think it's time for my YEARWALK today! haha

It's great weather so why not?

well I will print this then I have to see if I take myself out.......for a walk :)



this is the best speech I EVER heard.
listen and learn, yes.
that's all I have to say right now.
God bless Michael Joseph Jackson

People attend to say Michael Jackson is the king of pop, and he is!
But for me, he is the king of L.O.V.E

no sleep?

I'm feeling that I won't sleep this night.
but I want to sleep. I love to sleep. Sleep is my biggest hobby. hehe but it is, promise!!



yeS YeS YES I got some pretty fucking great massage today!
I really need it. I need to go about three more times in a short time cause I have so many "knutor" i min rygg. (och ja, jag skriver på svenska nu ;D) min rygg är helt förstörd, iomed att jag jobbar framför datorn i mer än 6 timmar i streck VARJE VECKODAG + på fritiden, som nu :) och jag är bara 18! :O

men det var jätte skönt även om jag har väldigt svårt att slappna av.
efteråt är skönast tycker jag. Jag känner mig alltid onykter, helt snurrig i skallen och jag svamlar när jag pratar i ca 15 minuter efteråt!

Tycker alla ska unna sig massage ca två gånger i halvåret. Det är faktiskt väldigt viktigt att ta det lungt och slappna av och göra något för sig själv. :)
så till ALLA STRESSADE personer, gå å gör massage!!!!!!!
som färsk, mogen eller skrutt, UNNA DIG.♥

8 april 2010

Hi guys!

I hope everything is okay with you all. I'm doing well.

Today I've been surfing so much on youtube HAHAHA I can tell, I saw some hell of crazy clip!
I watch some clip of Michael Jackson , and Britney Spears and alot of random people.
I need to post it later! ^^

haha.  I hope you did watch the Michael Jackson clip I already have post. so sexy and FUUUUN! hahaaha.

well here is a nice song and now I will jump in the shower. peace&♥

Led Zeppelin - Over the hills and far away

I'm dead

Yes, I'm dead here on blogg.se. I'm so busy with my lovely friends :)

I'll be back when I feel for it, need to take a break :)

take care, I'm back soon!

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